西方遇見東方: 中國書畫藝術之旅


West Meets East :  Encounter with Chinese Arts

Jan. 12 - Feb 24 , 2008

Presented by

Hanlin Chinese Culture Association  & Delaware Art Museum

2301 Kentmere  Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19806

(302) 571—9590       

This art exhibition is organized by Taini Hsu of Hailin Chinese Culture Association, a guest curator of Delaware Art museum for the exhibition.  West Meets East features over 30 works by artists from NYC/Philadelphia/Delaware region, combined time-honored Chinese brush stroke practices and subject matter with modern Western techniques and ideas.  To highlight ancient Chinese artistic customs, the exhibition includes the premier of historical master works from private collections of local Chinese families which may never be available for public viewing again. These famous masterpieces include paintings by Li Shan (李鱓 ), one of “Eight Eccentrics of Yang Zhou”( 揚州八怪, early Qing Dynasty, 1784) and by Empress Dowager, CiXi (慈禧太后, late Qing Dynasty), the calligraphy of the earliest “oracle bones” script (甲骨文), the Running script by the 77th  direct descendant of Confucius, and many others.

                 Early encounters between East and West may be traced back 2000 years to the “Silk Road,” the trade routes connecting China’s Yellow River Valley to Central Asia, Northern India, Western Asia, and Europe.  Ever

Peonies by 李鱓, Li Shan

since, the arts of these very different parts of the world, with their diverse cultures and artistic styles, have been enlivened by a creative interflow.

The exhibition consists of traditional style paintings as well as those with western influence. Calligraphies include all five major calligraphic styles: seal, clerical, regular, running, and cursive, as well as the earliest “oracle bones” script.  The indispensable tools for Chinese artist, “four treasures of the study” -- brush, inkstick, paper and inkslab, are also on display.

Hanlin Chinese Culture Association is a newly established, non-profit organization mainly focus on promoting Chinese art and fostering the interflow between Chinese and Western culture.


About the Delaware Art Museum

The Delaware Art Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Sunday noon – 4:00 p.m.  Regular admission is adults (18 – 59) $10, seniors (60+) $8, college students $5, and youth (7 – 17) $3, with children 6 and under entering for free.  Admission fees are waived every Sunday thanks to AstraZeneca.  For more information, call 302-571-9590 or 866-232-3714 (toll free), or visit the website at www.delart.org.


For more detail information about this exhibition please contact Taini Hsu at Hanlininfo@hanlincca.com or visit Delaware Art museum at www.delart.org.

Oracle bone (甲骨文): script by 董作賓 Dong Zuo Bin

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