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Deng Nan-Guang’s 8 mm movie, 鄧南光 8mm 電影, 1935, 57min
Shot with an 8 mm film camera between 1935 and 1941, the film recorded radiant scenery and local customs in Taiwan under Japanese ruling, allows viewers to have a glimpse of Taiwanese streets and the look of the countryside over 70 years ago. 鄧南光於1935-1941年左右以8毫米攝影機所拍攝的家庭錄像,紀錄下日治時期臺灣的明媚風光以及民俗人情,彷彿讓人通過時光隧道,得以一窺七十多年前臺灣街頭與鄉間的樣貌. |
Hsi Shih: Beauty of Beauties, 西施,directed by Li han-hsiang, 1965, 154 min
Through the story of Hsi Shih, one of the greatest beauties in Chinese History, this costume drama tells the wars between two Chinese kingdoms, Wu and Yu, 2500 years ago. This film is the grandest historical epic in the history of Taiwanese cinema. The massive production budget, long shooting times, spectacular scenes, settings, and props, a massive cast of fascinating stars and an extensive crew, making this film a milestone in the history’s both Taiwanese and Asian film.
本片藉由一美女西施,描述中國春秋時代的諸侯爭霸史事。越王句踐在國家被吳王夫差所覆滅之後,臥薪嘗膽、忍辱負重,積極整備復國;他洞悉吳王夫差好大喜功、沉迷女色,所以進獻了美女西施,藉以惑亂吳王,令他荒廢早朝、敗壞國政。同時,當吳王夫差墮落沉淪於美色享樂之際,越王勾踐則暗中號召集結了越國臣民,以十年時間生聚教訓,伺機再起。最後,傾城美色以及攻城火牛,終於讓越王勾踐得以雪恥復國。 此片乃台灣電影史上最著名的華麗古裝史詩鉅片之一。令人瞠目的製作預算、漫長折騰的拍攝時間、宏偉堂皇的場景、細心雕琢的道具、如同徵兵作戰般動員的大隊人馬、星光熠熠的卡司、鋪天蓋地的造勢活動與周邊產品、獲獎連連與票房佳績...凡此種種,使得此片成為台灣——甚至是亞洲電影史上的破格創舉和里程碑。 |
Storm over the Yangtze River, 揚子江風雲,directed by Li han-hsiang, 1969, 105 min
Based on ZOU Lang’s novel of the same name, Storm Over the Yangtze River is a historical film about the “Yangtze River 180 Blockade.” TSOH, a Chinese Brigadier commander; LI, the leader of the “Speedy Wind” unit; WANG, the intelligence chief for the Japanese who is recognized as a traitor but is actually a double dealing agent, coordinate the “Death Bridge Plan” to fight against the Japanese occupation. It’s a spy vs. spy film with lots of double-crossing. 抗戰期間,地下情報員「長江二號」在湖北省監利縣出生入死執行「死橋計劃」,力阻日軍掃除長江水雷障礙,隸屬日本情報隊的王凡遊走於國軍與日本之間,從中蒐集情報,王凡利用回鄉探親時竊取監利縣的防禦計劃,但手下羅學海卻失手遭逮捕,連帶王凡被處以死刑,在經過中國情報員李鐵生、日方間諜小林惠子、鐵血抗日旅長卓劍塵、日方內線西野綾子等人爾虞我詐的斡旋,最後死橋計劃圓滿結束,卓劍塵和李鐵生及時趕到,阻止了王凡的行刑,並力保「長江180里封鎖線」。 本片又名《一寸山河一寸血》,根據鄒郎原著的間諜小說《死橋》改編,導演李翰祥透過人物設定與情節鋪陳,營造出撲朔迷離、敵我之間的緊張氣氛,跳脫出過去軍事電影強調英勇愛國題材的刻板印象。《揚子江風雲》原底片霉斑嚴重、膠片破損,經中心修復後受邀第十八屆上海國際電影節。 |
All reference materials are from of Taiwan Ministry of Culture ( 資料來源:台灣文化部文化工具箱) |